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Four Lakes Condominium B Association

Board of Directors Meeting

March 20, 2023


A Board of Directors meeting for Four Lakes Condominium Association B was held on Monday,

March 20, 2023 in person and via tele-conference at Lisle, Illinois 60532 in accordance with the


Board Members Present: Kenneth Rossal, President

Carol Hendrix, Vice President

John Wills, Treasurer

Philene Lortz, Secretary

Michael Vukmir, Director


Also Participating: Monique Nelson, Property Manager with Real Manage



The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Kenneth Rossal, President. Rollcall was taken as

noted above and a quorum was present.



Monique outlined how the meeting would run, and that a Homeowner Forum would be held at

the end of the meeting.



No minutes were read or approved from a previous meeting as this was the first bi-monthly

general board meeting held by the new board that was elected on February 20, 2023.



John Wills and Ken Rossal provided information on the association’s current financial position.

Ken motioned to forego the 5% HOA fee increase for 2023 that was proposed by the former

Board. John seconded. The remainder of the board approved.

Gas Invoices - Both Ken and John are currently planning to go through the gas bills and remove

any erroneous charges and late fees. Recovery of unpaid gas bills from the period of time that

FSR was managing the property and RM first took over will be done in two stages, which are for

the periods of June 2021 through November 2022, and March 2021 through May 2022.



Tow Company Replacement - Carol motioned to replace Green Machine with Fire Towing as our

new towing company. Mike seconded. The remainder of the board approved.

Black Mold Remediation and Repairs - Black Mold remediation was requested in Unit 5B of

6020. Mike motioned to ratify that the association pay for the remediation and replacement of

drywall. The owner is expected to pay for painting and any other replacement or repairs beyond

the paint moving inward into the unit. Carol seconded. The remainder of the board approved.

Gas Bill Overview - Ken provided a review of the gas bill situation. The association will split up

the unrecovered gas bills from March 2021 through November 2022 based on the percentage of

ownership calculation. Incorrect individual gas charges and late fees that were posted earlier

will be removed from individual accounts.

• Any owners who have already paid the incorrect bill will receive a credit for the full

amount, and the credit will appear on their account.

• Late fees associated with the incorrect bills will also be credited.

• Condo B owners who took possession of their unit between March 2021 and November

2022 will have their Stage 1 and Stage 2 recovery amounts prorated so that they only

pay for the period of time that they have been owners here.

We will not be going through the expense of replacing the existing individual meters with Nicor

meters and running a line from each of those meters to the main gas line so that individual units

can be invoiced directly by Nicor. The extreme cost of the undertaking is prohibitive.

Reserve Study – Real Manage provided us with a proposal to have a reserve study done on our

property. The study looks over our income and expenditures to determine how efficiently we

are performing financially as an association. It also projects how much money we will have to

set aside for future projects that are needed to maintain the integrity of our property.

John suggested that the association wait a few months before deciding on this as the gas bills

and financial position need to be defined more clearly. Ken motioned to set the proposal aside

until a later date. John seconded. The remainder of the board approved.

New Legal Representation – The board advised that they are exploring options to retain a new

attorney. Monique advised that an attorney does not need to be present for all of our meetings.

Real Manage Hours Dedicated to the Board – Real Manage proposed that we increase the

number of hours that we pay Monique to work on our association’s issues from 3 hours a week

to 12. We can decrease the number of hours at a later date by providing 60-day written notice.

Ken motioned to approve the increase. Carol seconded. The remainder of the board approved.

Maintenance and Repair Work - Mike has been collecting bids for work that needs to be done

on our building and grounds.

Garbage Removal – Waste Management is our current garbage removal company, and they

have no contract in place with us. They have advised us that they intend to increase our charge

from $1,750 a month to $1,950. Mike has collected bids from Flood Brothers for $2,000; from

Lakeshore for $1,850; and SBC for $1,500, with the added advantage with SBC that they will pick

up scrap items for no extra charge. Mike motioned to accept the SBC bid. John seconded. The

remainder of the board approved.

Keys – We do not have keys for access to all areas of the buildings, including the elevators. Mike

is working with Suburban Lock to get copies of all of the keys.

Tree Removal – Mike has collected bids for removal of the many dead trees that are creating

potential hazards in our parking lots and around our buildings. The Master HOA quoted $1,600

to remove all hazardous small trees. For the larger tress, T&M quoted $20,775; Davey Tree

Service quoted $17,500; and Family Tree Service quoted $14, 275. Mike motioned to accept the

Master HOA quote for $1,600 for the smaller trees and the quote from Family Tree Service for

$14,275 for the larger ones. Philene seconded. The remainder of the board approved.

Inoperative Elevator at 6000 – Advanced elevator quoted a price of $9,000 for repair of the

motor that opens and closes the doors on the inoperative elevator in building 6000. John

motioned that we get a second bid. Carol seconded. The remainder of the board approved.

Mulching - Mike spoke to Carlos, who is with the Master HOA, about upgrading the mulch on

our property. Carlos advised that the first load of mulch is free. After that we are charged per

load. No vote was taken.



Storage Lockers – The cost and availability of storage lockers was discussed. Danielle advised

that we have incomplete records of storage lockers, as well as parking spaces. Also, around 50%

of the census forms for the association are missing. We will need to gather all current census

cards before we can begin addressing these issues.

Fireplaces - Owners are responsible for a portion of the fireplace chimneys and the association

is responsible for the rest. Mike is looking at units to determine the cost of a mass inspection.

Towing – Owners need to call Real Manage to have people who are parked in the owner’s space

or are violating parking policy towed.

Board Communication - We are creating a dedicated Condo B website to share information. The

Facebook site is not an official form of communication managed by the board.

Gas Bill Mailings - The cost of mailing out individual gas bills is an excessive charge, so we will be

publishing the information on the Real Manage resident portal. We will also look into mailing

out gas bills for those owners who are not online.


5950 Complaints - There are several problems with building 5950. Lighting around the building

is dim, garbage chutes are broken, no one answers the emergency service number, and the Fire

department had to break into the basement to reset the master circuit breaker after a power

failure in one of the units. It was suggested that the issue could possibly be with the circuit

breaker box in the individual’s unit rather than the main panel.

After-hours emergency service phone number – 866-473-2573.

Parking Space Repair – A parking space needs its lines repainted, and there is an extreme low

spot where water gathers and turns to ice in the winter. It is a safety hazard.

Accounting Issues – Some owner’s assessment checks have been processed and others have

not. Monique made a note and will review this situation. She suggested that some owners may

be using the wrong mailing address.

Fence Issues - There are tipped fences as well as damaged boards on the garbage corrals. Bids

are being collected for the repairs.

Landscaping – Some owners would like to have grass in front of their units rather than mulch.

Drainage Issue – A unit has water inside its duct work, which is caused by problems with the

underground drainage system that carries water from the roof drain away from building. Mike is

gathering bids to address the problems with the drainage system.


Upon motion by Ken Rossal, seconded by John Wills, and unanimously carried, the Board of

Directors of the Four Lakes Condominium B Association

RESOLVED to adjourn the meeting at 8:54 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Philene Lortz

Recording Secretary _________________________________


Board Secretary / Date

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